The purpose of NEWS AND VIEWS is to provide you with information on relevant topics within personal financial or business planning. The information may be contained in one or more formats, such as an article, letter, memorandum or analysis. Attachments referenced in an article may not be contained herein. Please review the disclaimer at the bottom of our website. This is not a newsletter that will be updated on a periodic basis, such as monthly or quarterly. To the extent we believe there is something important, timely and educational to write about, we may post it to NEWS AND VIEWS. If you would like to be added to our email distribution list to be notified any time an additional item is added to NEWS AND VIEWS, please let us know. Additionally, feel free to contact us if you would care to discuss anything posted on NEWS AND VIEWS. Thank you for your time, and we welcome your feedback.


Keeping Your Emotions In Check

by Jason Hochstadt on

REMINDER: Past performance is not a predictor of future returns. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as the rendering of personalized investment advice or providing our opinion as to the merits of a particular investment or strategy. We also have no idea as to future performance for any...

Investing Through Thick & Thin

by Jason Hochstadt on

REMINDER: Past performance is not a predictor of future returns. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as the rendering of personalized investment advice or providing our opinion as to the merits of a particular investment or strategy. We also have no idea as to future performance for any...

Respect Your Investments & The Process

by Jason Hochstadt on

People are always seeking ways to continually grow wealth. However, just as taking pills are no substitute for diet and exercise when it comes to losing weight, throwing caution to the wind and abandoning long-term principles of investing such as (1) asset allocation; (2) diversification; (3) period...

Keep Your Eyes On The Prize!

by Jason Hochstadt on

In an investment letter we penned a little over one year ago, among other things we observed that, “With respect to our investments, unfortunately, we often fail to learn from previous mistakes, such as buying into recent performance, chasing the hottest fad and making wholesale shifts in our asset...